If the horses could speak...

If the horses at MVHR could speak, they would say THANK YOU, especially at this time year!

Our Gratitude can be summed up in one word: Community! MVHR’s Mission to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome horses in need would not be possible without YOU, our Community.

Your commitment to caring - by volunteering, adopting, fostering, and donating - makes a difference to each and every one of the horses who find their way to MVHR, every day of the year.

So far in 2023, YOU have made possible:

19 Horses adopted to loving homes.

24 Intakes who began their Journeys of Hope.

A growing core of Volunteers, through Community Volunteer Days & Introducing MVHR to your friends & family.

Critical Resources to meet the needs of the Rescue herd, like Veterinary & Farrier Care, Grain, and of course Hay!

Evaluation, Daily Training and Handling provided by MVHR staff.

In addition to regular Monthly Clinics for the Community and the Rescue Herd with professional trainers.

Over 385 Summer Day-campers & 42 Scholarships, all who learned about horsemanship and MVHR’s mission.

62 Mini Horse Heroes; 3 to 5 year old preschoolers enjoying their first interactions with horses.

A Large variety of Equine Educational & Service Programs for our community, schools, businesses and volunteers. Teaching more of our community about equine behavior and why MVHR does what we do.

The completion and move to Robin’s Nest, our new Training Facility, which has proven to be an amazing resource.

The start of renovating the Original Barn to create a dedicated Intake and ICU facility for horses with the most critical needs.

MVHR continues to thrive Thanks to YOU!

May you and your loved ones be healthy and happy this Holiday Season,

From All of us at Mountain Valley Horse Rescue

Marleen Bosch